
A forum of interesting things about O'Charley's Restaurant at the Mall of Georgia in Buford, Ga. This site is not endorsed or sponsored by O'Charley's, Inc. It's comments are op/ed and not necessarily confirmed as fact.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pivot Point

The amount of food auctioned off at tables, even by the server who wrote the order is ridiculous. If you want to raise the standards in this place, you must use the pivot point system.

There is no other option according to the O'Charleys manual and according to industry guides: "To avoid a Cardinal Sin of restaurant service, asking 'Who gets what?' use the seat designation system. This is a systematic method of ensuring who gets what without asking the guests that question. It is a method that enables you to provide smooth, unobtrusive service, and even better, allows one person to take an order, and another person to serve it. ..... Number all the chairs, whether someone is sitting there or not. Use those numbers. ..... If there is not a uniform system, only the order taker of a table can be the server of that table. Otherwise, one by necessity must ask, 'Who gets what?'"
from the Wiley Professional Restaurateur Guides, "Food and Beverage Service" by Axler and Litrides.

Until people start using seat numbers properly, only a manager or the table's actual server should run their own food. The weed wacker and other servers should leave their food in the window. If this affects the server's tables in a manner detrimental to the guests, the server should have a one or two table sectiion until they learn how to serve properly. It is time for some proper retraining and learning. Who are the trainers anyway?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacey is responsible for the training, just as he is responsible for everything else done half ass around here.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant irresponsible!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i use the pivot point and when my food is delivered to my tables, my food is auctioned off anyway. i feel that most people do not know how the plates are put on the trays. may i suggest taking a thick black marker and write a big "1", "2", "3", "4" on the trays when means these are the pivot points. maybe this will help some people with where to start serving. or where they are to be served.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even without the marker on the tray idea, the servers aren't putting in the order via PP anyway so it doesn't matter. I can't tell you how many times the order on the tray or on the actual ticket is not via PP rules. It isn't hard and you again must go back to the server b/c it is their fault for not doing the job correctly! That isn't Stacey so much as it is the trainer at the time or the server just DOING THE RIGHT THING. Also this goes back to my original statements from a short while back... let the servers run their own food and that will prevent many problems such as - are the dressing and levels right? Did they get soup or salad all ready? Did/do they need regular or decaf or refil, etc. If servers did the job the right way (which is training in the long run) then things would go much smoother!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things will never be ran good at this place as long as managers like Stacey, Luara and never in the BOF with buttbreath Richard there. Is still getting gay porn sent to store? He should be fired for that alone, not to mention his horrific people and management skills. He needs to go. They all do. Not to mention the sexual predator Russ.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

on a slow night, servers should run their own food. but there is such a thing as teamwork which is absent from this store. teamwork is a good thing, so why would you discourage it? running your own food isn't the solution, using the pp system correctly is! sometimes the expo doesn't put things in the right order. that is when the runner looks at the ticket and puts it in order. of course, that is another big problem in this store. people don't read the tickets. especially appetizers. people think that they are the only one with a spin dip in the window and grab it, but if they look at the ticket, they would see it isn't theirs. come on guys, we can't blame everything on our lousy managers. we have some pretty shitty servers too, and they bring us down. if they were trained correctly, they might not suck as much. maybe we need better ETEs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i must stick up for shannon...some of you think that once a server is trained that all of their mistakes reflect on how they were trained and that is just ignorant...mistakes like grabbing an appetizer that is not yours has absolutely fucking nothing to do with how you were trained...it has everything to do with how fucking stupid you are...this place is full of stupidity and laziness and no one can be trained not to be stupid and lazy...i have trained people in the past and have told stacy "look this person is not gonna be good, they don't do this, they do that,they're lazy, and so on and...you guessed it...nothing was done, it was like i said nothing at all. once a server is shown:the squirrel, the sidework chart, where we keep things, where the schedule is, the request book, pivot points, what a clean and set table/section looks like, and when and where to smoke, that's it...the rest is live and learn...of course people are gonna make mistakes, but it is how often they make them that counts. and reoccurring mistakes by no means reflects on how you were trained...someone keeps doing stupid shit, then they are an idiot...not poorly trained.


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